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This section provides summaries of key aspects of the Australian tax system, including comparisons with systems in other countries. It focuses especially on information which is relevant to tax policy issues that affect the interests of lower- and middle-income people.


Some of the papers in this section are prepared by TaxWatch itself. Others come from a variety of sources and are the sole responsibility of the designated authors.  


Media representatives or other people seeking further information or comment about issues covered in the papers are welcome to contact TaxWatch or the designated authors.


 Official PAPERS

  • 2010-11 Tax Expenditures Statement: The statement provides details of concessions, benefits and incentives delivered to taxpayers through the tax system. These are referred to as 'tax expenditures'. 
  • 2011-12 Budget Paper No. 1 to No. 4: The Budget Paper circulated by the Treasurer, the Hon Wayne Swan MP.
  • Tax Statistics 2008-09: A summary of tax returns for the 2008–09 income year and other reported tax information for the 2009–10 financial year. 
  • Other official papers:
    • OECD Revenue Statistics: 1965 - 2010
    • OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2010

    View these papers.

TaxWatch Papers

  • THE COMPARATIVE UPDATE: An International Comparison of the Australian Tax System
  • Corporate income tax rates
  • Tricks of the Trade

    View these papers.