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State taxes

This page presents selected policy papers and analysis relating to Session 4: States Taxes of the Australian Government's National Tax Forum, to be held on 4-5 October 2011. Other relevant material is available from the main TaxWatch Policy page.



Read the relevant section of the Tax Forum Discussion Paper.


State Tax Policy Papers

Papers will be presented in the following categories: Recent Material (from the last two weeks), Material of Special Interest, and Background material. Material will be added progressively during the leadup to the forum. Any suggested material for inclusion should be sent to: tw@taxwatch.org.au

State Tax: Recent material

A Fairer, More Efficient Tax and Social Security System

ACOSS (29 September 2011). A paper prepared by the Australian Council of Social Service which frames the issues that effective tax reform through the National Tax Forum could address.

Council of the Aging Statement of Reform Priorities

Ian Yates (September 2011). Council of The Aging (COTA) statement of taxation reform priorities in preparation to the Tax Forum 4-5 October 2011.

Associate Professor Miranda Stewart Statement of Reform Priorities

Miranda Stewart (September 2011). Miranda Stewart's statement of taxation reform priorities in preparation to the Tax Forum 4-5 October 2011.

National Shelter Statement of Reform Priorities

Adrian Pisarski (September 2011). National Shelters' statement of taxation reform priorities in preparation to the Tax Forum 4-5 October 2011.

State Tax: Material of special interest

State Tax: Background material

Tax, Borrow, Spend: How the States Compare

Centre for Independent Studies (Feb 2011). Compares the recent performance of the six Australian states under indicators such as debt, government spending, public sector job numbers and taxation.

IPA State Taxes Report

Institute for Public Affairs (Dec 2010). A report by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), 'The Size and Impact of State and Territory Government Business Taxes: The IPA State Business Tax Calculator' including factsheets.

The Context and Drivers for State Tax Reform

Dr Ken Henry (19 Nov 2010). Speech to CEDA - The Tasmanian State Tax Review in Hobart.