Archived Material
This section contains older material relating to the Australian Government's 2011 National Tax Forum held on 4-5 October, 2011.
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- Tax forum to pave way for all Australians to have a say on future reforms
Australian Council of Trade Unions, Media Release (28 July 2011). The ACTU argues that the upcoming Tax Forum must not become a platform for the business lobby to push for corporate tax cuts, but must allow all Australians with the opportunity to have a say on the future direction of our nation’s tax system.
- Tax forum an opportunity for long overdue reform of Australia’s tax and transfer system
Australian Council of Social Services, Media Release (28 July 2011). ACOSS welcomes the Federal Government release of a discussion paper for the national tax forum to be held in October, and urged the forum to be the turning point for securing a simpler, fairer and more efficient tax and transfer system.
- Tax Forum a platform for long-term reform of Australia’s tax and social security system
Australian Council of Social Services, Media Release (21 March 2011). ACOSS welcomes the Federal Government announcement that it will hold a tax forum in early October, stating that the forum will be an important stage in the ongoing effort to reform of Australia's tax and transfer system.
- Tax forum to follow carbon and mining tax
Phillip Coorey and Peter Martin, Sydney Morning Herald (21 Mar 2011). An article containing comments by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and the Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) regarding the upcoming tax forum.
- Poll urges action on tax loopholes for the wealthy
National Welfare Rights Network (16 Dec 2010). Results of a poll commissioned by Welfare Rights and conducted by the Australia Institute in November 2010, investigating which areas the Australian public wants to see discussed at the upcoming Tax Summit in mid-2011.
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- Swan comments on discussion of personal tax rates at tax forum
Treasurer Wayne Swan, Transcript, 2011-12 Budget Q&A session (11 May 2011). An excerpt showing Treasurer Swan's response to a question by Philip Coorey from the Sydney Morning Herald regarding the discussion of welfare reforms and changes to personal tax rates at the National Tax Forum.
- Swan calls for public input on Henry tax reform
David Uren, The Australian (28 Mar 2011). An Article summarising Treasurer Wayne Swan's recent comments regarding the upcoming Forum and comments by Shadow Treasurer. Joe Hockey.
- Tax forum in October to build on reform agenda
Treasurer Wayne Swan, Media Release (20 Mar 2011). Announces the dates for the Tax Forum and provides a general overview.
- Treasury gears up for fresh tax reform during June summit
David Uren, The Australian (22 Feb 2011). An article outling the government's plans for the the tax summit due by June, which includes setting out broad directions for a new wave of tax reform to be implemented over the next five to 10 years rather than building the case for specific reforms in the current term of parliament.
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- Reform must remove inefficiencies
Pip Freebairn, Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). An overview of the variety of advice from economists to the Federal Government on reforming the tax system, including as a priority, reforming the complex system of state-based taxes as well as reducing income tax rates to encourage greater employment. (Only available via a subscription to
- Labor urged to confront tax reform
Fleur Anderson, Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). The Federal Government was yesterday criticised for dragging its feet on tax reform by prominent members of its Henry tax review committee. Economists, tax experts and business representatives warned that the debate around the mining tax had drawn attention away from important tax reforms. (Only available via a subscription to
- Canberra’s appetite for change limited
John Kehoe, Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). An overview of various business representatives (including Business Council of Australia and Business Coalition for Tax Reform) on the possibilities for reform at the upcoming forum, including that the forum will be a good occasion for the business and economics community to justify painful reform to the public. (Only available via a subscription to
- Too complex and it’s killing the work ethic
Pip Freebairn, Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). A summary of the views of industry leaders (including Institute of Chartered Accountants, National Institute of Accountants, USB) on the reforms that are needed to simply the tax system and provide greater incentives for people outside the workforce to work. (Only available via a subscription to
- Family home the key to property move
Ben Hurley, Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). An overview of the property industry’s broad support for moves to replace state property taxes with a uniform land tax. Also reports on doubts that the government would dare to tax the family home. (Only available via a subscription to
- ACCI reveals tax wishlist
Louise Dodson, Australian Financial Review (2 Apr 2011). An overview of the proposals that the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will take to the Tax Forum, including potential changes to capital gains tax, the GST base, personal income tax and the reduction of state taxes. (Only available via a subscription to
- Calls for early start to debate on reform
David Crowe, Australian Financial Review (22 Mar 2011). Robert Jeremenko of the Tax Institute urged tax discussions to commence within weeks, in order for debate at the tax forum to be meaningful. (Only available via subcription to
- Business hits out on tax summit
Katie Walsh, Australian Financial Review (22 Mar 2011). An article summarising the positions of various business leaders towards the summit. (Only available via a subscription to
- Two days too little for government’s tax meeting
The Tax Institute, Media Release (21 Mar 2011). The Tax Institute repeats its call call for a measured, structured approach to the Forum, with the establishment of specialist sub-committees to undertake the “heavy lifting” of preliminary reports, well before the summit convenes in October.
- Don’t lose momentum on tax reform
Institute for Chartered Accountants in Australia, Media Release (21 Mar 2011). The ICAA says the government’s postponed tax forum will need to include broad, inclusive and upfront debate via specialised working groups in order to be effective.
- Tax Forum a Chance to Make a Compelling Case for Reform
Business Council of Australia, Media Release (20 Mar 2011). The BCA says the announcement of details of the tax forum is an important step in regaining momentum on tax reform, with the challenge of progressing reform being aided immeasurably by providing a compelling case for reform for community and political leaders.
- Industry Welcomes Announcement of Tax Reform Meeting
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Media Release (20 Mar 2011). ACCI's Chief Executive Peter Anderson said,"business must be positive in its approach to the Forum and the opportunity it presents to advance a future vision for the tax system and to convince the Government and the community that lower taxes, which are better targeted and more efficiently administered, will drive productivity, jobs growth and higher standards of living across the community.”
- New Chair for Business Council for Tax Reform speaks on the forum
Business Council for Tax Reform (Feb 2011). New Chair, Mr Tom Pockett discusses BCTR's hopes for the upcoming tax summit. Without necessarily accepting or rejecting any specific recommendations from the Henry Report, the BCTR regards the report as a sound basis for considering options for both medium and long-term tax reform.
- Tax summit key to Super reform
Pauline Vamos, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (Jan 2011). Pauline Vamox, chief executive of the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, is reported in The Australian, discussing key reforms needed for superannuation, including increasing the super guarantee and needed changes to the super tax system at the tax summit.
- GST must be on the summit agenda
Robert Jeremenko, Senior Tax Counsel, Taxation Institute of Australia (Jan 2011). Media releade by Robert Jeremenko, Senior Tax Counsel at the Tax Institute of Australia, discussing the need for GST to be on the agenda at the Tax Summit. Business Council for Tax Reform (Feb 2011). New Chair, Mr Tom Pockett discusses BCTR's hopes for the upcoming tax summit. Without necessarily accepting or rejecting any specific recommendations from the Henry Report, the BCTR regards the report as a sound basis for considering options for both medium and long-term tax reform.
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- Alcohol on tax forum agenda
Fleur Anderson, Australian Financial Review (7 July 2011). Alcohol taxes are to be included in the Government's National Tax Forum in October according to Health Minister Nicola Roxon.
(Only available via a subscription to Read a similar article in The Australian.)
- Tax forum to amount to little more than backwash
Robert Jeremenko, The Australian, (6 July 2011). There is little likelihood of the Government’s National Tax Forum later in the year being able to effect significant tax reform.
- Can anyone navigate the tax maze?
Mark Kenny, The Advertiser (1 July 2011). The Federal Government is yet to take significant action on the biggest tax review in decades.
- Henry hits road as review comes to pass
Peter Martin, Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 2011). A commentary by about the progress being made on the Henry Review recommendations and the role of the upcoming National Tax Forum.
- Tax forum agenda questioned over GST
Kirsten Veness, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (6 Apr 2011). A summary of the panel discussion at the conference of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australian, featuring Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten, along with comments by various persons on aspects of the agenda.
- Time for tax reform, mark 2
Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). To commemorate the one year anniversary of the Henry tax review, the article looks at what progress the government has made on tax reform, and what appetite there is to continue. It lists property transaction taxes, GST and superannuation tax as taxes that particularly need to be addressed. (Only available via a subscription to
- Henry’s ideas worth a hearing
Mark Carnegie, Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). A discussion of the excuses for avoiding taxation reform a year out from the tabling of the Henry tax review in Parliament, including which compelling ideas for reform have been laid to rest, along with a discussion on how the formation of the Labor minority government leads to a second chance on tax reform later this year. (Only available via a subscription to
- Big ideas never stood a chance
Laura Tingle, Australian Financial Review (5 Apr 2011). A review of the reasons why major reforms from the Henry review never got off the ground. (Only available via a subscription to
- Tax cuts might bring the Houdini touch to politics of desperation
Phillip Hudson, Herald Sun (22 Mar 2011). For the first time in eight years there will not be any personal income tax cuts delivered in the May Budget. With the nation's finances still in the red, the vault is empty. But income tax cuts will remain at the centre of the political debate.
- Let the tax reform debate begin
The Australian (19 Mar 2011). Vacuums, they say, are always filled, which is why the Gillard government now finds itself reacting to a sensible, albeit modest, tax reform agenda from its climate change adviser Ross Garnaut.
- Sector in the dark on tax summit
Peter Van Onselen, The Australian (8 Jan 2011). An article summarising various opinions regarding the Forum, prior to the Government's announcement of the date of the Forum.
- Bank super profits tax more popular than one on miners
Peter Martin, Sydney Morning Herald (Dec 2010). Peter Martin, the Economics Correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald, discusses the Australia Institute Poll that found that an overwhelming majority believe banks should be subject to a super profits tax similar to that for mining companies.
- Government agrees to a tax summit
Tax News Division, Thomson Reuters (Sept 2010). An article by the Tax news Division of Thomson Reuters, discussing the announcement of the Tax Summit and presenting views of professional bodies regarding the summit.
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