A compendium of selected policy papers from a range of source, organised by topic.
- taxes on the ownership or transfer of property, shares and other assets (eg, "wealth" taxes; death duties;
stamp duties; land taxes)
- see also Capital gains, Corporations; Environment; Estates; Land; Savings
- eg, capital gains tax; dual income taxes
- see also Assets; Land; Personal income
- eg, GST; alcohol, tobacco, fuel and gambling taxes; excise taxes; customs duties
- see also Concessions; Environment; State taxes
- eg, charities, public benevolent institutions; other non-profit organisations; deductible gift recipient status
- see also Charities; Families; Fringe benefits; Land
- general taxes on corporations; corporate income taxes; dividend imputation; private companies;
independent contractors
- see also Assets; Capital gains; Environment; International transactions; Trusts
Environment; natural resources
- eg, carbon tax; taxes on fuel and vehicles; resource rent taxes; congestion charges
- see also Fringe benefits; Land
- eg, estate and gift duties; inheritance taxes
- see also Assets; Older people; Savings
- eg, family tax benefits; baby bonus; child care concessions
- see also Assets; Estates; Personal income; Land
- eg, motor vehicles; child care
- see also Environment; Personal income; Workers
- eg, stamp duty; land tax; negative gearing; council rates; first home saver accounts; rental affordability
- see also Assets; Capital gains; Estates
- eg, tax havens; withholding taxes; transfer pricing; taxes on non-residents
- see also Concessions; Corporations
- see also Assets; Estates; Personal income; Savings
- eg, payroll tax; social security contributions
- see also Corporations; Fringe benefits; Personal income; Workers
- eg, personal income tax scale and offsets
- see also Capital gains; Concessions; Corporations; Families; Fringe benefits; International transactions; Older people;
- see also Assets; Capital gains; Personal income; Older people
- see also Consumption; Environment; Land; Payrolls
- see also Corporations; Personal income
- see also Concessions; Fringe benefits; Personal income; Payrolls; Savings