State taxes
- see also Consumption; Environment; Land; Payrolls
National Tax Forum discussion paper
Australian Government (28 July 2011).
Discussion paper released by the Australian Government in the leadup to the National Tax Forum in October 2011, particularly dealing with the six sessions to be included at the forum: Personal tax, transfer payments, business tax, state taxes, environmental and social taxes, and tax system governance.
Taxation trends in the European Union
Eurostat (1 July 2011).
An overview of taxation in the European Union, by type of tax (consumption, labour income, company income and capital income), by level of government (federal, state, local), and by country.
OECD Tax Agenda 2011 - Taxes across levels of government levels
OECD (12 Apr 2011).
An excerpt from the OECD's latest Tax Agenda brochure, outlining its current work in a variety of tax-related areas, including: Fiscal Relations across Levels of Governments.
Tax, Borrow, Spend: How the States Compare
Centre for Independent Studies (Feb 2011).
Compares the recent performance of the six Australian states under indicators such as debt, government spending, public sector job numbers and taxation.
IPA State Taxes Report
Institute for Public Affairs (Dec 2010).
A report by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), 'The Size and Impact of State and Territory Government Business Taxes: The IPA State Business Tax Calculator' including factsheets.
Tasmanian State Tax Review discussion paper
Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (6 December 2010).
A discussion paper by the Tasmanian Tax Review Panel, which describes current State taxation arrangements and provides questions to guide submissions to the Review. Includes chapters on land and property taxes, payroll tax, gambling taxes, motor taxes and taxes relating to climate change.
More details on the Review can be found at:
The Context and Drivers for State Tax Reform
Dr Ken Henry (19 Nov 2010).
Speech to CEDA - The Tasmanian State Tax Review in Hobart.
Note by Professor Neil Warren
States’ Taxation And The Henry Review.
Taxation Reform and Fiscal Federalism
Ken Henry, Secretary to the Commonwealth Treasury, (19 August 2009).
Speech to the Australian Economic Forum.