Environment; natural resources
- eg, carbon tax; taxes on fuel and vehicles; resource rent taxes; congestion charges
- see also Fringe benefits; Land
The Carbon Windfall 'Game': Impact of a Mid-year CPM Repeal
Reputex (October 2013).
A mid-year repeal of the Australian CPM may lead to a windfall of A$2bn for the Metals, Energy, Materials and Power sectors, with potential for entities to 'game' assistance programs via the CERs legislated buy-back facility. In this update we explore scenarios for the Q1 FY15 repeal of the CPM, and the cost/windfall of cashing in free permits, along with scenarios for government to mitigate any liability via the provision of future credits into a re-worked Direct Action Plan.
Abbott Destroys Carbon Symbol But Emmissions Issue Remains
Dr Richard Denniss, The Australia Institute (September 2013).
Taxation of Native Title and Traditional Owner Benefits and Governance Working Group Report to Government
Australian Government Treasury (July 2013).
The Taxation of Native Title and Traditional Owner Benefits and Governance Working Group was established to examine existing arrangements for holding, managing and distributing land related payments, and to identify options to strengthen governance and promote sustainability. Its particular focus was on the tax treatment of current arrangements and of proposed options for holding, managing and distributing land related payments.
Someone's Silver Lining
Richard Denniss, The Australia Institute (July 2013).
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's announcement that the carbon price is now a quarter of what was forecast is good news; the question is, for whom? Rather than crippling, the impact of the carbon price is barely even irritating for most polluters. Compared with the impact of the high exchange rate since 2007, the carbon price was trivial even before this week's announcement.
An Evidence-Based Approach to Pricing CO2 Emissions
Ross McKitrick, The Global Warming Policy Foundation (July 2013).
Ross McKitrick proposes a radical new climate policy approach that offers to be the most cost-effective means of curbing CO2 emissions, while automatically adjusting the stringency of the policy to the severity of the problem.
Energy Subsidy Reform: Lessons and Implications
International Monetary Fund (January 2013).
This paper argues for fewer energy subsidies.
Transitional assistance or windfall profits? The financial impact of the carbon price and compensation payments on Victoria's brown coal generators
Environment Victoria (February 2013).
This report presents analysis of the impact of the carbon price package legislated in
Australia’s Clean Energy Act 2011 on the profitability of Victoria’s brown coal
generators. The context to this report is our client’s interest in obtaining a deeper understanding of
the extent to which carbon price ‘compensation’ payments through the Energy Security
Fund may deliver “windfall” profits to the Victorian generators that are eligible to
receive payments from this fund.
Inventory of Estimated Budgetary Support and Tax Expenditures for Fossil Fuels 2013
OECD (January 2013).
This Inventory is concerned with direct budgetary transfers and tax expenditures that relate to fossil fuels, regardless of their impact or of the purpose for which the measures were first put in place. It has been undertaken as an exercise in transparency, and to inform the international dialogue on fossil-fuel subsidy reform. For each of the 34 OECD countries covered, the Inventory provides a succinct summary of its energy economy, and of the budgetary and tax-related measures provided at the central-government level (and, in the case of federal countries, for selected sub-national units of government) relating to fossil-fuel production or consumption.
Community and Public Sector Union Statement of Reform Priorities
Nadine Flood (September 2011).
Community and Public Sector Union's statement of taxation reform priorities in preparation to the Tax Forum 4-5 October 2011.
Australian Council of Trade Unions Statement of Reform Priorities
Jeff Lawrence (September 2011).
Australian Council of Trade Unions' statement of taxation reform priorities in preparation to the Tax Forum 4-5 October 2011.
Australian Council of Social Services Statement of Reform Priorities
Dr Cassandra Goldie and Peter Davidson (September 2011).
Australian Council of Social Services statement of taxation reform priorities in preparation to the Tax Forum 4-5 October 2011.
New Protectionism Under Carbon Pricing: Case Studies of LNG, Coal Mining and Steel Sectors
Tony Wood and Tristan Edis (6 September 2011).
The Government's unduly generous assistance to industry under its carbon emissions package may create a new protectionism. The whole community will pay for unjustified subsidies to the LNG and coal industries.
ClimateWorks Australia: Impact of the Carbon Price Package
ClimateWorks Australia (12 August 2011).
A report that analyses the impact the carbon price package will impact investor profitability, how it reduces non-financial barriers, and what remains to be done.
National Tax Forum discussion paper
Australian Government (28 July 2011).
Discussion paper released by the Australian Government in the leadup to the National Tax Forum in October 2011, particularly dealing with the six sessions to be included at the forum: Personal tax, transfer payments, business tax, state taxes, environmental and social taxes, and tax system governance.
Senate Committee report on reform of car FBT rules
Australian Government Senate Economics Committee (22 June 2011).
A report on the provisions of Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 5) Bill 2011 proposing to reform the car fringe benefits tax (FBT) rules, tabled in the Senate. The report includes issues relating to the new FBT rules raised by stakeholders during the inquiry process.
Tax treaty issues related to the trading of emissions permits (discussion draft)
OECD (31 May 2011).
The OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs (CFA) has released a preliminary analysis of the tax treaty issues related to the trading of emissions permits for public comment. This analysis addresses the application of the provisions of the OECD Model Tax Convention to the cross-border trading of emissions permits.
OECD Tax Agenda 2011 - environmental taxes
OECD (12 Apr 2011).
An excerpt from the OECD's latest Tax Agenda brochure, outlining its current work in a variety of tax-related areas, including: Green Growth and Climate Change - Taxation and Tradable Permits.
Carbon pricing and reducing Australia's emissions
Professor Ross Garnaut (17 Mar 2011).
Describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages and presents trends for 2010.
Complementary or contradictory? An analysis of the design of climate policies in Australia
The Australia Institute (Feb 2011).
Contrary to popular belief, the policies that are most effective in driving down greenhouse gas emissions actually raise revenue rather than cost the budget money. This paper outlines the circumstances in which such complementary policies are required and then assesses whether the recent decision to modify and abolish a wide range of these complementary policies was justified.
Congestion charging for roads: local pressures and international experience
John Daley, Grattan Institute (31 Jan 2011).
A presentation by John Daley, CEO of the Grattan Institute to the Roads Australia Pricing Forum, about the basis for a congestion tax, the benefits it could bring and the challenges faced in implementing it.
Tax Breaks for Green Buildings (Consultation paper)
Australian Government (Jan 2011).
A cpublic onsultation paper on tax breaks for redevelopments that will substantially improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings. The consultation paper explains the key features of the proposed program design, in particular, the eligibility criteria and assessment and certification processes.
MRRT Policy Transition Group Report
Australian Government (Dec 2010).
The Policy Transition Group reports contains 94 recommendations on the design and implementation of the policy principles relating to the introduction of a Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) and the transition arrangements for the Petroleum Resources Rent Tax (PRRT). The report also provides general advice on some possible changes to the PRRT that would also improve its administration.
Tasmanian State Tax Review discussion paper
Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (6 December 2010).
A discussion paper by the Tasmanian Tax Review Panel, which describes current State taxation arrangements and provides questions to guide submissions to the Review. Includes chapters on land and property taxes, payroll tax, gambling taxes, motor taxes and taxes relating to climate change.
More details on the Review can be found at: www.treasury.tas.gov.au/statetaxreview
Salvaging Cash for Clunkers
Ian McAuley, University of Canberra and Centre for Policy Development (Nov 2010).
A paper discussing possible options for transforming the Commonwealth’s cleaner car rebate scheme (better known as “cash for clunkers”) into an interim reform of motor vehicle taxes.
Resource profits tax radio interview
ABC Radio National interview with Julian Disney about the resource profits tax. (15 June 2010)
Australian Conservation Foundation
Australian Conservation Foundation.
Progress on resource tax must be matched by strong climate action
A Conceptual Framework for the Reform of Taxes Related to Roads and Transport
Harry Clarke and David Prentice, School of Economics and Finance - La Trobe University (June 2009).
A report prepared for the Commonwealth Treasury that examines how transport services in Australia should charged for and funded.
Media release: Henry Review and a resources profits tax
Jointly by ACTU, ACOSS, ACF, CFA (June 2010).
Australia needs a robust tax system with fair and efficient taxation of mining super profits.
Impacts of the Resources Super Profits Tax
Dianne Kraal, La Trobe University.
Commentary on the Minerals Council of Australia's report, "Potential Financial Impacts of the Resources Super Profits Tax".
Tax Reform - Future Direction
David Parker, Executive Director - Revenue Group of the Treasury (17 September 2009).
Speech to the Minerals Council of Australia's Biennial Tax Conference on reforms generally, and the link between resource taxation and company tax.
The Resource Super Profits Tax
Rick Krever, Monash University.
A note on the government's proposal for a "resources super profits tax".