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- eg, payroll tax; social security contributions

- see also Corporations; Fringe benefits; Personal income; Workers

Executive-Pay Tax Break Saved Fortune 500 Corporations $27 Billion Over the Past Three Years
Citizens for Tax Justice (April 2013).  Earlier this year, Citizens for Tax Justice reported that Facebook Inc. had used a single tax break, for executive stock options, to avoid paying even a dime of federal and state income taxes in 2012. Since then, CTJ has investigated the extent to which other large companies are using the same tax break. This short report presents data for 280 Fortune 500 corporations that, like Facebook, disclose a portion of the tax benefits they receive from this tax break.

Tasmanian State Tax Review discussion paper
Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance (6 December 2010).  A discussion paper by the Tasmanian Tax Review Panel, which describes current State taxation arrangements and provides questions to guide submissions to the Review. Includes chapters on land and property taxes, payroll tax, gambling taxes, motor taxes and taxes relating to climate change. More details on the Review can be found at: www.treasury.tas.gov.au/statetaxreview